Supported trial of Kōwhiti Whakapae

A project in 2022 that evaluated the effectiveness of Kōwhiti Whakapae within a programme of PLD

E kore e taea e te whenu kotahi ki te raranga i te whāriki kia mōhio tātou ki ā tatou. Mā te mahi tahi ō ngā whenu, mā te mahi tahi ō ngā kairaranga, ka oti tenei whāriki. 

The whāriki of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone. Only by the working together of strands and the working together of weavers will such a whāriki be completed.


The supported trial of Kōwhiti Whakapae was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of Kōwhiti Whakapae: Practice and progress tools to support competent and confident kaiako and mokopuna, within a programme of professional learning and development.

This kaupapa evaluated the effectiveness of the practice, and progress tools, in the areas of social and emotional learning (SEL), plus professional learning and development. It centred on the importance of culture, language and identity; authentic ways to connect with whānau and supporting kaiako to strengthen and grow their practice.

The supported trial was delivered for the Ministry of Education. A big mihi to CORE’s Early Years team and facilitation partners – SAASIA, SEEDS, and InspirED. Mihi also to our evaluation partner, the University of Waikato. Mālō le tautua (thank you all for your service). 

More information about the tools can be found on the Ministry's site.





  • What the supported trial involves

    What the supported trial involves What the supported trial involves

    The supported trial is for all kaiako interested in taking part in a research project that will impact on their own practice and enhance early learning for tamariki.

    In the supported trial, you will:

    • engage in professional learning to understand the draft practice and progress tools and how to use them
    • trial the tools in your services with your tamariki
    • participate in an evaluation of the trial, where you will critically engage in research about your use of the tools in your service.

    The supported trial runs from November 2021 to May 2022.

    To participate, services must have two kaiako register for the supported trial.

    The supported trial is open to a maximum of 120 early learning services:

    • 40 services in an online programme
    • 80 services in the face to face programme – available in Northland, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
  • Professional learning programmes

    Professional learning programmes Professional learning programmes

    Programme delivery

    There are two options: online and face to face.

    The online programme is open to all services across the motu.

    It consists of:

    • 3 online workshops of one hour each, and 3 online talks of 15 minutes each. These will be held in November 2021, February 2022, May 2022
    • 3 online meetings of 30 minutes each with participants from individual services, one in November-December 2021, two in February-April 2022.
    • Online Q & A will be available to support kaiako between the workshops, talks and meetings.

    The face to face programme is available to services in Northland, Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

    It consists of:

    • 3 cluster hui of one day each. These will be held in November 2021, February 2022, May 2022
    • Three facilitator visits to services, one in November-December 2021, two in February-April 2022.

    Programme content

    The online programme’s workshops and webinars, and the face to face programme’s cluster hui, will look at:

    • the intent of the tools
    • ways to use the tools
    • planning to use the tools in services
    • sharing examples of using the tools in action.

    The online programme’s online meetings and clinics, and the face-to-face programme’s facilitator visits, will support kaiako to:

    • use the tools in their context
    • be intentional in their interactions and practice
    • recognise learning progress over time
    • document change and gather evidence.
  • Participation in the evaluation

    Participation in the evaluation Participation in the evaluation

    Kaiako in all programmes will be contributors to the research process that underpins the supported trial.

    Their contributions will support a critical evaluation of the tools in helping kaiako to support children’s social and emotional learning progress.

    Kaiako will be asked to participate in a range of evaluation activities, including through questionnaires, ratings and group surveys.

    There will also be 20 case studies selected from among the up to 120 services participating in the supported trial. Kaiako who register for the programmes need to be prepared to contribute to case studies, but not all services will be involved in these.

    The case studies will provide kaiako with opportunities to critically engage in discussion of the tools, and to suggest changes and further development of the tools if necessary.

    Kaiako in services that become case studies will be asked to contribute through:

    • interviews, sharing of assessment and planning documentation, and scenarios illustrating: shifts in kaiako practice using the tools; and individual children’s progress where possible
    • support for evaluators’ interviews with whānau.

    Registrations are now closed.

    All confirmed participants in the trial will receive printed copies of the draft Kōwhiti Whakapae: Practice and progress tools to support competent and confident kakaio and mokopuna. We will also make digital copies available.