Equity-focused learning

Our vision is for an equitable and thriving Aotearoa through learning. Using a Tiriti-led, co-design approach, we work government and non-government organisations, businesses, schools, kura, early childhood centres and community groups. 

Take a look at what we do, and why we're passionate about equity.

What we do

We support a range of business and education sector clients with their professional learning needs, collaborate on projects to design learning solutions, and co-design community-led research.

Through all our work we honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi through the design and delivery so that all learners have an opportunity to succeed. 

Equity and inclusion in the workplace

Explore our range of services for leaders within business. We work with individuals or groups to co-create and build an understanding of what equity could look like in your workplace using a three step approach, starting with equity mindset. Discover more.

Equity and inclusion in the workplace
My project 3 v2

Client testimonials

"Thank you for creating such valuable and impactful resources. I am genuinely excited to witness the positive impact it will have on the lives of young Muslim learners."

Officer of the Order of the New Zealand Merit Dame Dr. Maysoon Subhi Salama

"This was the best day learning te reo I have attended."

Participant of te reo Māori programme, from Te Kura Kaiwhakawā | Institute of Judicial Studies

"[The facilitators were] both excellent and authentic. I felt in a safe space, so I learnt more."

Participant of te reo Māori programme, from Te Kura Kaiwhakawā | Institute of Judicial Studies

"Normalising having a focus on wellbeing has been helpful for me. It reminds me to take moments for hauora throughout the day."

Maria, wellbeing programme participant

"I have learnt that we need to embed this mahi into our school, our lives, our community, so that it lasts. Thank you so much for delivering this important mahi."

Tara, tumuaki | principal and wellbeing programme participant

"Feeling accepted for who I am. Feeling welcome. Working with amazing teachers."

Melanie, wellbeing programme participant

"I don’t think we understood how essential it was for ourselves and our ākonga to have wellbeing as the foundation piece of learning."

Tara, tumuaki | principal and wellbeing programme participant

"My kaiārahi has had a huge impact on my wellbeing. Her ability to draw out areas that need some attention or 'work' and then guide you through analysis and on to action is exceptional."

He Waka Unua participant

"Even though I was inexperienced, I felt completely supported, really enjoyed it."

Participant of te reo Māori programme, from Te Kura Kaiwhakawā | Institute of Judicial Studies

"I was given many tools to use daily."

Participant of te reo Māori programme, from Te Kura Kaiwhakawā | Institute of Judicial Studies