Professional learning

Impactful professional learning development with actionable outcomes for educators and businesses across Aotearoa.

Specialist areas

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Professional learning and development for teacher only days

Facilitation and courses that deliver powerful and innovative outcomes for teachers, kaiako, education leaders and businesses that can have meaningful impact for tamariki. 

Looking for PLD funding? Talk to our PLD Managers who can talk you through the process.


"This was the best day learning te reo I have attended.The facilitators were both excellent and authentic. I felt in a safe space so I learnt more." "Even though I was inexperienced, I felt completely supported, really enjoyed it. I loved Hana’s speech, incredibly motivating."

Participants of te reo Māori programme, from Te Kura Kaiwhakawā | Institute of Judicial Studies


Watch our video explaining our vision for a thriving Aotearoa through learning

Make an impact for your learners

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