Regionally allocated PLD funding

Professional learning and development

As a national provider of professional learning and development (PLD), funded by the Ministry of Education, we design and deliver PLD that meets the needs of a diverse range of learning communities throughout Aotearoa. 

Our facilitators work across Māori, Pacific, and English medium contexts. At the heart of our mahi is a focus on transforming outcomes for ākonga and whānau.


Enquire about funding support

Priorities for regionally-allocated PLD

Ākonga and learning communities are at the centre of our thinking. This kaupapa shapes how we work with clients across these priority areas.

  • Structured literacy and a structured approach to pānui and tuhituhi
  • NCEA level one implementation 
  • Assessment for learning, Aromatawai

Support could include PLD within or across your learning community, online or face-to-face facilitation, a blend of both, or coaching and mentoring.

Applications for Assessment PLD (including NCEA) closed on 31 May.

To work with a Tātai Aho Rau Core Education facilitator on any of these priorities please contact us.

Teacher wellbeing builds collective resilience

The culture at Waitati Primary School (Dunedin) has been transformed since teachers participated in a wellbeing programme from Tātai Aho Rau, in partnership with the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience (NZIWR).

Find out how they transformed.

Teacher wellbeing builds collective resilience
Waitati Primary School Principal 3

Building literacy ...outside of the box

Data shows that children today are different to 10 years ago and we need to change our practice and adapt. Taking a different approach, we explore how we need to challenge ourselves to change our practices and not put kids in a box anymore.

Dive in and explore our findings with this case study from Winton school.

Building literacy ...outside of the box
CORE Education Literacy facilitation RAPLD case study Winton School

He Ariā Kōkirikiri | Tātai Aho Rau Core Education's Theory of Action


He Ariā Kōkirikiri informs how we work in the facilitation space, we:

  • listen to deeply understand and get to the heart of the situation
  • use our knowledge and frameworks to design a PLD programme with you
  • work collaboratively to implement innovative and sustainable change and build capability
  • support the regular review and refining of the programme based on feedback and evolving needs
  • work as part of a focused inquiry cycle that leads to transformation.

The mangopare kōwhaiwhai motif is inspired by the twisting, turning movement of the hammerhead shark. It symbolises strength, determination, courage and growth. It shows that our work occurs as part of a cycle that leads to transformation.

Enquire about funding support



Contact us for facilitator support

Tātai Aho Rau facilitators see the PLD priorities as strongly intertwined. Viewed together, the priorities tell a story of strengthened capabilities and the potential to enable change.

Having a large multidisciplinary team allows us to pull the right people together to deliver personalised learning responses that work for your setting.

To collaborate with a Tātai Aho Rau facilitator on any PLD priority, please contact one of our team below.

Enquire about PLD support

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