Kaihuawaere | Learning Consultant

Teaching Council registration: Tuturu, #205271
Ministry of Education Accredited Facilitator #ACC1422
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Mathematics Education) – Massey University
Certificate of Educational Management – Dunedin College of Education
Bachelor of Education – University of Otago
Diploma in Primary Education – Dunedin College of Education
Structured Literacy: Sounds-Write Practitioner; Sounds-Write for Y3-6; Self-Regulated Strategy
Development (SRSD) Writing to Learn; Rollins Centre Structured Literacy (IDA approved)
Professional profile
Jo is dedicated to education and has an unwavering commitment to equity. With extensive experience spanning 23 years teaching in primary and secondary education, Jo brings deep pedagogical content knowledge and effective teaching practices to her facilitation. Her expertise encompasses a wide range of areas including:
- Structured literacy, including oral language, reading and writing, and the pedagogies that teacher ensure impact and learner success
- Mathematics and statistics, including pedagogical content knowledge and practices aligned to a structured approach to mathematics
- Change leadership
- Learning design
- Facilitation
- Mentoring and coaching
Jo has held senior leadership positions for 18 years. Throughout her career, she has demonstrated a deep understanding of quality school development and improvement; engaging students in their learning, and prioritising their individual needs and wellbeing.
Jo’s passion for literacy and mathematics is evident in her work. She has dedicated years to accelerating learning and implementing school-wide initiatives to enhance student outcomes. Her commitment to structured literacy dates back to 2011, and since then, she has actively sought opportunities to study, read, trial and refine her deep pedagogical content knowledge and practices in literacy.
Recent mahi includes
- Te Poipoi Kaiako | Mentor support programme for PTs, OTTs, Pia, school mentors, and Pou Tautoko
- Coaching and mentoring
- Structured Literacy: facilitating deep pedagogical content knowledge and practices with schools
- Testing and reviewing Ready to Read Phonics Plus resources for schools
- Best practices in teaching Maths, aligning to a structured approach to Maths
- MoE Just In Time Maths facilitation
Personal statement
Open communication is essential. I believe in creating spaces where ideas and feedback can be shared freely and constructively. By fostering an environment of transparency and honesty, I support people to feel heard and valued, paving the way for effective collaboration and innovation.