iNVENTIONATOR is a free programme designed to awaken a wide range of ākonga talents through innovation and teamwork. At its heart, the programme aims to empower learners to solve real-life problems that matter to them. We want young people to PLAY. THINK. DESIGN.

This dynamic programme replicates elements of solution incubation, a process commonly used in industry to stimulate innovation. Tātai Aho Rau has modified this approach for ākonga, with great success, using the context of The New Zealand Curriculum.

iNVENTIONATOR is aimed at years 6–9 ākonga with Māui characteristics - problem solvers, critical and creative thinkers, collaborators, designers, curious, observant, questioning, planners and a team player.

Registrations for iNVENTIONATOR 2024 are closed due to the maximum number of 80 registrations being reached. Register below for iNVENTIONATOR 2025, taking place on 12–15 May, powered by Tātai Aho Rau and funded by Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education. 

Register for iNVENTIONATOR 2025

“The kids came up with new unrestrained ideas. It’s the type of thing I would really like my own children to be involved in!”

iNVENTIONATOR Mentor and Director of Digital Promotions

“...Didn’t exactly know what it was when I was coming.... But when I got here it was like ...cool... I was surprised at how good. I was expecting it to be good, but it was way better than I expected.”

Student, Highlands Intermediate

How does it work?

A range of digital tools enrich the online event including virtual meeting space Gather, google suite and other digital participation tools such as word cloud and wheel deciders.

In the lead up to the event students will have 6 online resources and wero | challenges to work through. Each resource will take 1–2 hours to complete. The pre-event online resources can be done individually, or with teacher, whānau or peer support.

As we get closer to the event a tech check date/time will be shared. We will meet via zoom to mihi | acknowledge and manage access, smoothing any issues and guiding ākonga into the event space Gather pre-event.

iNVENTIONATOR takes place over four days, meeting online in Gather from 9:15–12:30 pm each day. Ākonga work in teams, formed from various schools or learning spaces across Aotearoa, which huddle around a self selected challenge to solve.

An evening whakanuitanga | celebration event for whānau and friends will be held to celebrate the selected six teams and all of the incredible mahi | work of the ākonga.


What are the benefits of iNVENTIONATOR?

  • Encourages future-fit skills such as: problem solving, innovation, teamwork, digital technology and fluency, design thinking and entrepreneurship.
  • Focuses on problems that matter to students in their context – local or global – building healthier communities as a result.
  • Participants work through six key resources leading up to an event, building confidence and capabilities before the event.
  • Community-based model enables ākonga to reference their local environment and experience as part of the inquiry process.
  • Whānau and local business people are involved as mentors and judges – playing both a learning and celebration role.


Register for iNVENTIONATOR 2025

Frequently asked questions

Learn more about iNVENTIONATOR by clicking on these FAQ’s.

Enquire about iNVENTIONATOR

Want to know more about iNVENTIONATOR? Get in touch with us using the form below.

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Kei te hiahiatia te 'Ingoa whānau | Last name'
Kei te hiahiatia te 'School'