Ngā wāhanga ako Te Reo. Rangatira me te Pāngarau.
Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā!
Tēnei te tuku i ngā maioha ki a koutou e ngā kura e mahi nei i raro i Te Marautanga o Aotearoa. He whakatairanga tēnei i ētehi kaupapa whakarato ngaio mō te whakahoutanga o tā tātou marautanga, otirā ngā wāhanga ako Te Reo Rangatira tau 7–13 me te Pāngarau tau 9–13 e whakahoungia ana.
We're excited to announce that we are running a series of workshops throughout the country, and online, to explore and workshop the Te Marautanga o Aotearoa draft curriculum content that is currently available for your feedback on Kauwhata Reo.
See: Kauwhata Reo – Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
The workshops will focus on the overall framework, and both the Pāngarau yr 9–13 and Te Reo Rangatira yr 7–13 wāhanga ako.
Workshop details
Full-day regional workshops are free for you to attend, and will run from 9:00am–3:00pm.
Workshops will be delivered in both te reo Māori and English.
Venues TBC.
To register your interest in this programme, please complete the EOI:
Workshop dates and locations
Date |
Location |
Tues 11 March |
Kaikohe |
Te Papaioea |
Weds 12 March |
Ki runga ipurangi |
Te Whanganui-a-Tara |
Tues 18 March |
Tāmaki Makaurau |
Taupō |
Weds 19 March |
Tāmaki Makaurau |
Rotorua |
Tues 25 March |
Kirikiriroa |
Weds 26 March |
Kirikiriroa |
Tauranga |
Thurs 27 March |
Whakatāne |
Tues 1 April |
Ōtepoti |
Whanganui |
Weds 2 April |
Ōtautahi |
Ngāmotu |
Thurs 3 April |
Whakatū |
Mon 7 April |
Kaitaia |
Tues 8 April |
Ahuriri |
Weds 9 April |
Ki runga ipurangi |
Thurs 10 April |
Tūranganui-a-Kiwa |
To register your interest in this programme, please complete the EOI: