He whakangungu mō te reo matatini

Mō te rangaranga reo ā-tā

He tino kaupapa te pānui me te tuhituhi i te ao hurihuri nei. E karangangia ana ngā kaiako reo Māori ki te ako ngaiotanga rangaranga reo ā-tā nei. 

Inā tata nei, kua oti i ngā mātanga reo matatini te whakaemi rauemi me te waihanga hōtaka whakangungu, hei hāpai i ngā kaiako o ngā ākonga tau 0–3. E hāngai ana te hōtaka nei ki ngā rauemi kei roto kē i ngā kura reo Māori. 

Hono mai ki a Tātai Aho Rau kia tūhura i ngā rauemi, kia whakawhanake hoki i ngā pūkenga  rangaranga reo ā-tā hei hāpai i ā koutou mahi whakaako. 


Reading and writing are incredibly important skills in today’s world. We encourage kaiako reo Māori to take part in a new rangaranga reo ā-tā professional development opportunity.

Experts in Māori medium literacy have recently completed collating rangaranga reo ā-tā resources and creating a new professional development programme to support and build capability for kaiako of years 0–3 in kura reo Māori. The programme aligns with resources that are already used in kura and that kaiako are familiar with.

Our trained team of facilitators are here to support your kura, equipping your team with the resources and new skills needed to effectively implement the rangaranga reo ā tā programme in your setting.

Tā mātou e āhei ana


E mārama ana ki a mātou ngā āhuatanga whakaako i te reo matatini ki ngā Tau 0–3, me ngā āhuatanga o te reo matatini e ākona ana ki ngā tamariki i mua i te kura, i te kōhanga reo me ngā puna reo kōhungahunga.

I waihangahia ngā rauemi e hāngai pū ana ki ngā kura reo Māori. 

E hāngai ana tēnei ako ngaiotanga ki te aronga o Tātai Aho Rau ki te tōkeke. Me eke ā tātou tamariki katoa, kia tūhuratia te iho pūmanawa. Me kuhu te mātauranga Māori ki ngā akoranga pēnei. 


We’re equipped to deliver professional development for structured literacy in years 0-3, supporting learning for tamariki before they arrive at school from kōhanga reo or other pre-school settings.  

The resources we will deliver in this PLD are developed specifically for kura reo Māori.

This professional development learning is aligned with the equity position of Tātai Aho Rau. We support the goal of ākonga reaching their full potential. Mātauranga Māori is intrinsic in our approach to professional development for kaiako.



Hei tautoko 

Mehemea he pātai āu, whakapā ki a Mātene Karena ki matene.karena@core-ed.ac.nz. Hei whakawhiti kōrero mō te hōtaka reo Ingarihi, whakapā atu ki a Greg Carroll - core-ed.org/structured-literacy


Further support

Any questions? Contact Mātene Karena at matene.karena@core-ed.ac.nz. To discuss the English language programme, contact Greg Carroll - core-ed.org/structured-literacy

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