Support with NCEA changes

Supporting you to implement NCEA level 1 changes

Starting from 2024, changes to NCEA will be implemented across all three levels. With the new NCEA Level 1 achievement standards aiming to be fully implemented in 2024, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help.

At Tātai Aho Rau, we will work alongside you as you implement these changes, no matter your learning setting. Our skilled facilitators will draw on their significant experience in secondary education, mentoring, and their understanding of the changes, as you plan the way ahead together.

We are focused on supporting you to create conditions where all ākonga can thrive as learners.

What do you need to know?

NCEA Level 1, 2, and 3 require 60 credits for a learner to gain each level. This is a reduction from the previous 80 credits, and learners are no longer able to “carry over” 20 credits from the previous level.

The 20-credit literacy (in reading and writing) and numeracy requirement is separated out into a co-requisite. The co-requisite only needs to be achieved once and can be set at any time the learner is ready from Level 1. 

All subjects are being redesigned so that four standards are offered at each level – two internally and two externally assessed. As before, a course can be made up of standards from multiple subject areas. 
Alongside these changes, some things will stay the same. For example, course and certificate endorsement criteria, existing credits gained prior to these changes can still count towards the new NCEA standards, and there's still no time limit to complete the qualification.

Learn more about the changes on the Ministry website

Looking for something else?

We’re here to support you with your professional learning and development needs, with the NCEA changes, Assessment and Aromatawai, and Structured Literacy. Click an image below to learn more.

Get in touch with us

You can contact one of our facilitators directly, or send us an enquiry using this form to book a call with one of our team!

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