Kaupapa Māori Content Developer

Ko Taranaki te maunga
Ko Waingongoro te awa
Ko Ngāti Ruanui te iwi
Ko Ngā Ariki te hapū
Diploma in Web Content – Contented
Bachelor of Arts (Māori Studies) – Massey University
Te Panekiretanga o te Reo
Advanced Certificate in Tertiary Teaching – Te Wānanga o Aotearoa
Professional profile
Anahera has an extensive background in teaching te reo Māori. She has worked in both curriculum development and advisory roles in diverse education settings over a period of 20 years.
In her role as a te reo Māori PLD facilitator, Anahera supports schools to ensure that they are providing education that enables Māori to achieve as Māori. Her experience in working with diverse groups means that she is able to effectively engage others and tailor programmes to suit. Her sensitivity and respect creates environments that are conducive to growth, productivity, and confidence building.
Anahera supports educators to become culturally responsive practitioners, helping teachers and leaders to understand the critical importance of Māori language, identity and culture for Māori student success.
Culturally responsive practice (English medium)
Anahera successfully engages with schools, leaders and boards of trustees to:
- nurture relationships with whānau, iwi and community
- ensure Māori language is progressed and sustained throughout the school
- continually refresh and evaluate practice to produce the best possible outcomes for Māori students
- build an awareness and acknowledgement of their cultural landscape
- gain deeper understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi and bicultural partnerships
- implement development plans and gather whānau voices to inform the school charter and graduate profiles.
Te reo Māori (Māori medium)
Anahera successfully engages with kura and schools, leaders and boards of trustees to:
- develop language proficiency, confidence and the capacity to successfully use te reo Māori in their classrooms
- support diverse groups of kaiako to collaborate and share understandings
- increase understanding of language teaching and learning strategies
- support kaiako to understand and convey deeper language learning to deliver curriculum
- support kaiako to use self-review tools to critique and improve practice.
Te reo Māori (English medium)
Ensuring Māori language is progressed and sustained throughout the school through:
- Sensitively and respectfully encouraging others to enhance understanding and awareness of the importance of learning te reo Māori
- Assisting educators with the correct pronunciation of te reo Māori which enables them to confidently incorporate language into their classrooms and schools.