Te whakahihiko pūrākau | Telling stories
Please note these webinars are being delivered entirely in te reo Māori.
Kei te hiahia koe ki te whakawhanake i ōu pūkenga hangarau matihiko? E ngākaunui ana koe ki te waihanga wheako mā te tirohanga Māori?
Ka whakahaere a CORE Education Tātai Aho Rau i ngā awheawhe tuihono utukore e toru kia mōhio ai ngā kaiako ka pēhea te whakakotahi i te hangarau matihiko, te mātauranga Māori, me te hangarau Māori. Katoa ēnei awheawhe ka tukuna ki te reo Māori.
Ka tūhura a ‘Hangarau o mua – ki tua’ i ngā hononga i waenganui i te whakaaro rorohiko, ngā putanga matihiko, me te ao Māori. Ka whai wāhi ngā kaiako ki ngā wheako whai take e taea ai e rātou te whakamahi ki te taha o ngā ākonga.
Kei te whakahaerehia a ‘Hangarau o mua – ki tua’ e te putea tautoko a Google Educator, ā, ka kawea ngā awheawhe e ngā kaihuawaere o CORE Education Tātai Aho Rau.
Ngā putanga ako
Mā te whai wāhi ki ngā awheawhe e ako ai ngā kaiako me pēhea te whakaako i ngā ākonga ki te:
- whakamahi i tētahi tukanga hoahoa whaitake ā-ahurea
- tuku pūrākau, hono ki ngā hapori, me te whakaatu mōhiohio mā te hangarau matihiko
- whakatū kaupapa hangarau matihiko e āwhina ai te hapori
- tautohu, te whai māramatanga hoki ki ngā hononga i waenganui i te hangarau matihiko me te ao Māori.
Ka ako ngā kaiako ki ngā pūkenga hoahoa, toi ataata matihiko, whakatika oro, whakatika ataata, rorohiko ā-ōkiko, papatono matua anō hoki. Hei te mutunga o ngā awheawhe ka ngākau titikaha ngā kaiako ki te whakawhanake, ki te whakaako hoki i ngā wheako hangarau matihiko mā te tirohanga Māori.
Ngā rā me ngā wā
Rā: Tūrei, 9 Ākuhata
Wā: 3:30pm - 5pm
Utu: Kore utu
Wāhi: Ipurangi
Awheawhe 2: Te whakahihiko pūrākau | Telling stories
Ka tūhura ngā kaiako i te hiranga o te mātauranga ā-rohe me ngā tikanga, ā, ka whakamahi hoki i ngā hangarau matihiko ki te tuari i ngā kōrero me te mātauranga.
Do you want to develop skills in digital technology? Are you interested in creating learning experiences from a Māori perspective?
CORE Education will be running three free online workshops that show kaiako how digital technologies can be combined with Māori knowledge and technology. These workshops will be delivered entirely in te reo Māori.
Hangarau o mua – ki tua will explore the links between computational thinking, digital outcomes and te ao Māori. Kaiako will take part in practical experiences that they can use with their learners.
Hangarau o mua – ki tua is powered by the Google Educator grant and facilitated by CORE Education.
Learning outcomes
Educators attending the workshops will learn how to teach ākonga to:
- Use a culturally relevant design process.
- Tell stories, engage communities, and present information using digital technology.
- Undertake digital technology projects that make an impact in the community.
- Identify and understand the links between digital technology and te ao Māori.
Kaiako will develop skills in design, digital artwork, audio and video editing, physical computing, and basic programming. By the end of the workshops, kaiako will have gained the confidence to develop and teach digital technology learning experiences from a Māori perspective.
Dates and times
Date: Tuesday 9 August
Time: 3.30 - 5pm
Costs: FREE
Venue: Online
Workshop 2: Te Whakahihiko Pūrākau | Telling stories
Participants will explore the importance of local knowledge and tikanga (customs and traditions) and use digital technologies to share stories and knowledge.