Resources for equity in education

Extend your equity conversations with our curated content and resources

Furthering equity for tamariki and rangatahi

Has inequity in education been on your mind? Would you like to explore the thinking further in your learning environment?

You may be asking if your learning vision enables approaches that support equitable outcomes. To support you we’ve curated some content that will extend your equity conversations.

To help you make a difference for all tamariki and rangatahi, this kaupapa will explore equity through cultural, de-streaming and LGBTQIA+ rangatahi lenses.

Powerful equity approaches for de-streaming

This Tātai Aho Rau Core Education developed resource can support critical conversations about de-streaming with your learning community. These approaches may combine ‘in the moment’ tutorials, independent activities and collaborative mahi. Download the resource:

Powerful equity approaches for destreaming 

De-streaming: A community response

Decisions about de-streaming need a roadmap for equity-based conversations within communities, this resource shares questions to consider in the conversations you have. Download the resource:

  De-streaming: A community response

Ko tātou tēnei | This is us

Rangatahi takatāpui (LGBTQIA+ Māori youth) voices can be marginalised or made invisible in multiple ways in learning settings. Highlighting experiences of ākonga Māori who identify as rangatahi takatāpui, this valuable research helps us #HearTheirVoices and consider actions for change.

Access the full research report

Who’s at your table?

When making decisions in your learning community, are all the people who will be impacted by the decision at the table?

Many people found this valuable earlier in the year, so we’re resharing this infographic, which helps you ensure you are considering all angles and voices in your setting.

Download the infographic:

  Infographic: Who's at your table?

For more on this kaupapa, watch the video below.


Queer, Māori and young

What does it mean for teaching? This blog shares ideas that could help educators transform their relationships with ākonga.

Read Queer, Māori and young.

The unexamined wallpaper

In this blog Dr Pam O’Connell explores the entrenched practice of streaming, or banding, learners. She reflects on her own experience and asks who streaming benefits and who it places at a disadvantage.

Read The unexamined wallpaper.

Raising the equity flag

Dr Hana O’Regan, Tumu Whakarae at Tātai Aho Rau Core Education, shares a deeply personal story of why she’s passionate about fighting inequity in Aotearoa. Exploring her childhood experiences and the historical marginalisation of te reo Māori, Hana shares why we should be hopeful about the future.

Read Raising the equity flag