Drawing strength and reflecting on our identity

Tags: learning, Cultural capability, Cultural capability and te reo Māori, Equity

A kōrero with Pania Newton, Gareth Seymour and Maraea Hunia

“Some of the social issues we face as Māori today and especially rangatahi stem from disconnection to identity, to whenua, to reo, to whānau. And so if our kaiako can enhance or foster or support our tauira Māori, to stay connected to our identity or those things that inform healthy identities then do that.” -  Pania Newton

Pania, Gareth and Maraea discuss where they draw strength from, reflecting on purpose and identity. Pania unpacks how her experiences informed her identity, how dwelling on and being informed of the stories of our local histories has supported her to understand the importance of fighting for Māori rights and injustices in Aotearoa. She sees her kura as being a safe haven and the support of kaiako as influencing the trajectory in life. Pania’s discusses occupying her whenua with her whānau, journeying through building community, her experience as an advocate and building a better Aotearoa for our tamariki.