Teaching requires all of you - Karl Summerfield and Lex Davis

Tags: education, teachers, wellbeing, community, student engagement, identity

How do you bring your authentic self to teaching?

“More than many other occupations, teaching requires all of you” – Lex Davis

In this podcast Karl Summerfield is joined by Lex Davis, Tumuaki Tuarua | Deputy Principal at Ormiston Senior College, as they kōrero about being your authentic self in your role as a tumuaki or kaiako, and his role in the restructure of Ormiston Senior College.

Lex Davis discusses how bringing authenticity to your mahi as an educator will inevitably make you vulnerable, but how this vulnerability is the price we pay to have real and deep connections to others. Lex describes how when you are authentically your whole self, you’ll be successful in your role.

Karl and Lex also discuss restructuring Ormiston Senior College, including the challenge of making a wellbeing framework scalable, dealing with pushback from kaiako, and defining clear roles, all to support a growing and diverse roll of ākonga | students.