Hauora | Wellbeing programme
Wellbeing in learning communities
Develop collective hauora | wellbeing and resilience.
Based on the latest research and evidence, and designed specifically for Aotearoa, this programme supports educators to develop collective wellbeing and resilience in their learning communities.
Enquire about the Hauora | Wellbeing programme
To deliver this unique professional learning opportunity, Tātai Aho Rau has partnered with the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience (NZIWR).
Our accredited facilitators have been through additional intensive training and are now also accredited by NZIWR and available to work with you.
Hear from NZIWR founders and directors Dr Denise Quinlan and Dr Lucy Hone.
This wellbeing programme is suitable for funding via regionally-allocated PLD* (we can assist your applications). It can also be delivered directly to your learning community.
* Funding only available to early learning services through a Kāhui Ako application.
Who is it for?
All learning communities, including:
- early learning services
- kura
- schools
- Kāhui Ako
- educators, ākonga, and whānau.
How much time is involved?
- Approximately 60 facilitated hours
- Delivered over four terms
How is it delivered?
This mahi is delivered by Tātai Aho Rau Core Education's accredited facilitators. It uses a blended delivery approach (face-to-face and online), customised with you to optimise time, commitment, and content.
The programme is delivered via a mix of:
- full and half-day sessions
- practical workshops
- planning sessions
- surveys
- webinars.
Content includes:- the case for wellbeing in education: the what, why, and how of building collective wellbeing in learning communities
- practical strategies to protect and promote wellbeing with your whānau
- ākonga voice around wellbeing
- Navigating Wellbeing Change sessions (x 3)
- NZIWR’s Wellbeing Benchmark Survey
- mentoring sessions (x 3)
- planning sessions (x 3)
- wellbeing webinars (x 2)
- an annual progress review.
Read one of our hauora | wellbeing case studies
In 2022, leadership at Waitati Primary School took action to address supporting teacher wellbeing. Read about how our hauora | wellbeing programme impacted kaiako at the link below.