A commitment to supporting tumuaki | principals

Your role as a tumuaki | principal is unique and comes with a range of rewards and challenges; School leaders are required to balance the diversity of a job that is never the same each day. Numerous studies have highlighted the particular hauora | wellbeing and leadership needs for tumuaki to move from functioning to flourishing.

Recent initiatives from the Ministry of Education have acknowledged the need for tumuaki to deliberately take time to focus on their own hauora, professional development, and growth.*

At Tātai Aho Rau, we want to equip tumuaki | principals with personalised strategic leadership skills and hauora | wellbeing support that empowers you to build on your strengths and rediscover your “why?”.

Hauora | Wellbeing support for tumuaki | principals

Tātai Aho Rau provides tumuaki with useful strategies enabling school leaders to promote and protect hauora. We provide the latest research and evidence, and use resources specifically for Aotearoa. With you as a driver of this experience, you will work with a facilitator to shape a meaningful experience to meet your needs.

Our facilitators are available to work with you in a range of ways, including:

  • Coaching and mentoring through He Waka Unua, with a particular focus on hauora
  • Building hauora for you and your leadership teams
  • Identifying and using your strengths through Kōrero Tahi | Story hui: A simple way of telling our stories ​that makes us stronger
  • Building kaimahi hauora | staff wellbeing


Learn more

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Contact Ngaire Shepherd-Wills for questions about our hauora | wellbeing programmes.


M: 021 166 0158

E: ngaire.shepherd-wills@core-ed.ac.nz

"Normalising having a focus on wellbeing has been helpful for me. It reminds me to take moments for hauora throughout the day."

Maria, wellbeing programme participant

"I have learnt that we need to embed this mahi into our school, our lives, our community, so that it lasts. Thank you so much for delivering this important mahi."

Tara, tumuaki| principal and wellbeing programme participant

"Feeling accepted for who I am. Feeling welcome. Working with amazing teachers."

Melanie, wellbeing programme participant

"I don’t think we understood how essential it was for ourselves and our ākonga to have wellbeing as the foundation piece of learning."

Tara, tumuaki | principal and wellbeing programme participant

He Waka Unua | Coaching and Mentoring for tumuaki | principals

Individual coaching and mentoring from He Waka Unua will pair you with a personal kaiārahi (coach / mentor), often a Ministry of Education accredited facilitator, who provides you with strength and guidance in exploring your purpose and encouraging the achievement of your goals for your specific setting. You are the driver of this experience and our kaiārahi walk alongside you.

We provide a safe space for you to:

  • Celebrate your successes
  • Reflect on your leadership practice and plan for your personal and professional growth
  • Grow practical strategies and skills to manage the demands of your role


Learn more

Have a question?Image not found


Contact Amy-Lee Budd for questions about He Waka Unua | Coaching and Mentoring


M: 021 485 939 

E: amy-lee.budd@core-ed.ac.nz

"My kaiārahi has had a huge impact on my wellbeing. Her ability to draw out areas that need some attention or 'work' and then guide you through analysis and on to action is exceptional."

He Waka Unua participant

"Our kaiārahi has enabled us to put into practise some systems that allowed us to bring our best selves for the benefit of our tamariki."

He Waka Unua participant

Looking for something else?

We also offer

  • Leadership facilitation for growing strong teams and school culture in order to navigate educational change (such as leading the implementation of Te Mātaiaho, NCEA changes).
  • Whole school approaches such as our Developing Collective Wellbeing Programme, in partnership with the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience.
  • Bespoke solutions that are responsive to your setting.

Please get in touch if you have ideas you would like to discuss.

Contact us

Enquire about Tumuaki | Principal coaching and support

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The New Zealand Primary Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey, 2021

The Teaching Council | Matatū Aotearoa & New Zealand Principals’ Federation Rauhuia: Principals’ Voice Feedback from New Zealand Principals on Leadership Priorities for Rauhuia