Te Poipoi Kaiako | Mentor support programme

Supporting mentors, provisional teachers and overseas trained teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand

Tātai Aho Rau Core Education provides professional development support for:

  • provisional teachers (PTs) in English medium and Pia in Māori medium settings
  • overseas trained teachers (OTTs) with provisional certification
  • mentor teachers and Pou Tautoko.

This is a Ministry of Education fully funded service to kura, schools and early learning services. It has been refocused to better meet the needs of mentors, provisional teachers, and overseas trained teachers through improved and nationally consistent PLD guidance.

Enquire about the programme

Explore the programme outline

Participants will have access to the appropriate supports to assist with gaining full certification and making a successful start to their teaching career in Aotearoa New Zealand. To learn more, explore the programme outline below.

There is no need to enrol to participate, please simply register your interest by filling in the form at the bottom of this page to stay up to date with what is on offer.

Upcoming workshops 

The next round of workshops are currently being planned. They will be run in 13 locations, including Greymouth and Queenstown, early in term 4. If you haven't already, please add your details to the form below to receive updates when workshop registrations will be open.

For further questions or enquiries please get in touch with us at mentor.support@core-ed.org

Webinars for Pou Tautoko and mentors

Webinars will be held each term, tailored for mentor teachers and Pou Tautoko.

Our next webinar is scheduled for Thursday 15th August and another date to be confirmed.  
Registration will be open very soon. If you haven't already, please add your details to the form below to receive updates when workshop registrations will be open.


Introductory webinar

To learn more about the programme as a mentor or Pou Tautoko, you can watch the recording of our introduction to Te Poipoi Kaiako | Mentor support programme at the button below.

Watch the recording here

Express your interest

There is no need to enrol to participate in Te Poipoi Kaiako. Please simply fill in the form to receive updates on what is on offer: 

'Ingoa tuatahi | First name' is required
'Ingoa whānau | Last name' is required

Contact us

If you have any questions about this programme, please contact us at mentor.support@core-ed.ac.nz

1:1 support for Pou Tautoko and mentor teachers

Pou Tautoko and mentor teachers participating in Te Poipoi Kaiako | Mentor support programme are welcome to contact us at mentor.support@core-ed.ac.nz with requests for light touch, 1:1 remote support from a facilitator. 

Please note we can only provide support for Pou Tautoko or mentor teachers. If a provisional teacher, Pia, overseas trained teacher, or people in any other roles have a support request (other than a question about the programme itself) they should liaise with their Pou Tautoko, mentor teacher, setting management or an appropriate agency. 

Other sources of support:

Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand

Ministry of Education’s local offices 

Concerns? Complaints?

If you have a serious concern or complaint about the programme, a participant or a facilitator please contact Clive Francis, Project Manager.