
After nearly 20 years of using computers in education the ongoing cost of maintaining this equipment, and the constant changes in the technology, together with the claims that are being made about the actual impact (or otherwise) of ICTs on learning are leading to those in various levels of the education system demanding greater levels of accountability in terms how we can demonstrate the worth or value of such an investment. Stories abound of computers that sit idle in classrooms for long periods of the day, and where they are used, exaggerated and unsubstantiated claims are often heard about their impact on learning. 

As we look more closely at learning in 21st century environments, we will see a greater emphasis placed on providing evidence that demonstrates just what the impact is.

Some useful models that demonstrate how this might be achieved are listed here:

  • eLearning maturity model created by Dr Stephen Marshall of Victoria University – designed to provide an institutional view of how well developed (mature) the organisation’s e-learning practices are.
  • Educational Positioning System (EPS) – a tool for evaluating how well teachers are doing in terms of integrating ICT into their classroom teaching and learning.
  • Technology Integration Matrix (US) – developed to help guide the complex task of evaluating technology integration in the classroom.
  • ePotential (Australia) – supports teachers developing their skills to integrate ICT into their classrooms and teaching practice. This resource enables teachers to see and use the potential of ICT for powerful learning.