Globalised Learning

It might seem odd to include the theme of globalised learning in this list of trends, but consider the impact of globalisation on almost every other aspect of our existence, and it's not difficult to understand that education is no different.

Examples and links

Consider the the push for a 'global curriculum', with qualifications that are recognised anywhere in the world. The international Baccalureate and the Competency-based NZ Curriclum that stemed from the work of the OECD are both examples of this sort of thinking.

Modern technologies have reduced, and in some cases removed the boundaries for learning. We now live in a 'globalised' world of communications, news feeds, interaction etc. where our actions at a local level have implications at a global level.

Our education is no longer confined to the school we live in—we can access courses/subjects from almost anywhere and at any time. The world is our classroom! Global connectivity now enables student driven niche learning projects - if schools and teachers allow and enable them to happen.

Globalised learning is about taking advantage the ability to communicate and collaborate using a wide range of online and Web 2.0 tools. It's also about global issues and widening the scope of student learning, and sets the ground for continued learning beyond school.

Putting learning in a global context involves supporting young people to make sense of their lives by understanding the global interconnections we all have. It helps pupils understand how they are affected by events around the world and to recognise that what they do affects people and the environment in other countries. This learning can help counter a sense of helplessness in the face of ‘global forces’.


  • How are the issues of being a part of a global village reflected in your school; in the student body, in the programmes of learning?
  • In what ways are ICTs being used in your school to enable participation in the global classroom?
  • Do you agree that global learning can help counter the sense of helplessness in the face of ‘global forces’.