Kaihuawaere | Learning Consultant

Executive and Organisational Coaching Certificate, International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Master of Education (First Class Hons) – University of Canterbury
Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) – University of Canterbury
Bachelor of Arts (English and Classical Studies) – University of Canterbury
Professional Expertise
Leading and growing others is a complex and dynamic process. Amira brings extensive experience in how to support leaders to navigate change and grow effective teams to her mahi. She takes the time to understand the unique context of a school or Kāhui Ako and to offer individualised support in response to specific needs. Amira uses a strengths-based approach to celebrate individual learning cultures and bring about sustainable, systemic change which benefits all ākonga.
Amira is a kaiārahi (coach/mentor) and lead facilitator who specialises in mentoring/coaching and the development of leadership capabilities. Amira is also a Public Service Commission approved coach for Public Services for Mid-level leaders of leaders, People and thought leaders.
Amira has extensive experience coaching, mentoring and facilitating individuals and groups to:
- support individuals, teams, schools and Kāhui Ako to develop their vision and goals.
- support the development of leadership capabilities
- develop strong relational trust between teams
- develop a coaching culture tailored to their context
- encourage the seeking of a variety of perspectives
- co-construct role clarity
- Develop confidence and skills in having courageous conversations
- Support teachers and leaders to develop their own coaching capabilities.
- Implement systemic mentoring and coaching support for provisionally certified teachers, whole school coaching and/or mentoring and leadership mentoring.
- Unpack Our Code, Our Standards and create effective processes for Professional Growth Cycles.
- Analyse and interpret formative and summative assessment to inform teaching and learning (years 9-scholarship).
Amira responds to the needs and priorities of those she mentors and facilitates so that they can achieve their goals. She supports several Kāhui Ako in the education sector, and mentors and coaches Tumuaki groups and Lead Principals Across and Within School Leads.
Amira has had twenty years of experience as a teacher and leader in secondary education. Her Master of Education thesis, focused on the conditions which best support teacher learning and the development of mentoring/coaching capacity in teachers and leaders.She has sound knowledge and practice of NCEA assessment at a national level as a NZQA English internal assessment moderator, internal and external assessment materials developer, and NCEA external examiner and marker.
Professional profile
Keynote speaker
2021 Tipu Maia Kāhui Ako hui Alumni Panel – ‘Effective Teacher Practice’
2019 Implementing Mentoring and Coaching: Why and How? (Dunedin; Wellington)
2018 Implementing Mentoring and Coaching: Why and How? (Christchurch)
2024 Presenter at Lower North Island Christian Network Kāhui Ako Big Day Out “Courageous Conversations”
2023 Presenter at Waitaki Ara Kāhui Ako Conference “Courageous Conversations”
2021 Presenter at NASDAP 2021 “Reflect. Reconnect. Rejuvenate” Conference: Courageous Conversations
2019 Presenter at NASDAP 2019 "Go Mad: Go out and make a difference" Conference: Implementing Mentoring and Coaching
2017 Canterbury Police Women’s Forum “Mentoring”
2017 “Leading Through Mentoring” TRCC Mentoring Conference
2015 "Stepping up to support and grow a learning profession" TRCC Mentoring Conference.
Personal statement
Leading and growing others is a complex and dynamic process. I offer extensive experience in how to support leaders to navigate change and grow effective teams. I love taking the time to understand the unique context of a school or Kāhui Ako and to offer individualised support in response to specific needs. I use a strengths-based approach to celebrate individual learning cultures and bring about sustainable, systemic change.