Dr Vince Ham eFellowship reports
Designed to grow innovative, critical pedagogical leaders
eFellows research reports
The e-learning Fellowships Initiative was launched in 2003 by the Ministry of Education. Tātai Aho Rau Core Education now administers the Dr Vince Ham eFellowship and our alumni date back to 2007. The grant was re-named to honour researcher and Tātai Aho Rau Core Education founder Vince Ham.
The research reports outline innovative approaches to teaching and learning practices.
- Bringing to life He Pikorua - Leanne Greep
- Te ao Māori enhancing learner identity - Sarah Lassen
- Belonging in Aotearoa - Rashida Longley
- Reports are for parents to tell them who has been naughty or good - Kirsty MacFarlane
- Weaving together a sense of belonging - Claire Wigley
- Amplifying the voices of our tamariki – Kit Haines
- E-sports - Transcending the gender gap – Duncan Trickey
- Exploring identity and power through participation – Karen Nicholls
- My contribution matters! Developing ākonga leadership potential – Anna-Marie Keighley
- Passion projects: New learning at a traditional school – Nathan Walsh
- Play-based learning and assessment: Considerations on how to marry the two in a working relationship – Patty Barbosa
- A world of experience - Using immersive technologies in the special education classroom – Monika Limmer
- Enhancing mana through co-design – Laura McKenzie
- A makerspace where learners love to learn in Aotearoa – Rob Stevenson and Bethan Kohunui
- Knowing math as doing math - How well can we teach mathematics skills and knowledge through Project Based Learning? – Julia Bevin
- Living in a small data world - Play in secondary school – Bevan Holloway
- Transforming everyday 'chatter' into professional learning opportunities – Shirlene Murphy
- Assessment for learning and e-portfolios – Nick Rate
- Authentic learning using mobile sensor technology with reflections on the state of science education in New Zealand – Michael Fenton
- Energising education – Matt Tippen
- How can student Interactivity be enhanced through the use of blended learning approach? – Mark Callagher
- Ubiquitous information – Toni Twiss
- A nati whanau: Navigating the digital divide – Darryl Crawford
- How do you develop 3D video games that encourage higher order thinking?
- Podcasting and oral language – Jane Nicholls
- The lure of podcasting – Dorothy Burt
- What advantages does the use of a communal 3D gaming environment offer in facilitating co-construction of knowledge? – Jonathan Parsons
- What does co-constructive learning in a Web 2.0 context mean from the perspective of facilitator and learner? – Trevor Storr
- Can cluster-wide resources and personnel be successfully managed to meet the needs of gifted and talented students in a cluster-wide science class using problem-based learning strategies in an ICT rich environment? – Paul Lowe
- E-portfolios: what, why and how – Kerry Hall
- Exploring the use of electronic portfolios: a secondary school case study – Faithe Hanrahan
- ICT and new entrant children: How do teachers discover, use, and value the knowledge that children starting school have about ICT? – Elaine Newton
- Imagined possible selves: Are there differences in the complexity of learning when ICTs are included in imaginary play? – Carol Marks
- Inquiry learning in an ICT rich environment – Jan-Marie Kellow
- Key competencies in action – David Goodwin
- The balanced use of learning styles in e-learning – Brain Waller
- The effect for Māori students of meaningful engagement in learning using ICTs – Gillian Gibbs
- What are the learning outcomes when junior children, with the support of their teacher, use information communication technologies (ICTs) to produce their own resources? – Liz Fitzsimons
- Does e-publication of curriculum details and support resources online lead to more engagement in the learning process? – Rod Dowling
- e-Learning for two generations: A case study of how ICTs can support learning at a teen parent centre – Jennifer Charteris
- Electronic assistive technology tools supporting students with special education needs at school: what are the issues for teachers? – Judy Waterhouse
- High-end creativity: what impact can the use of high-end software have on the creativity of gifted underachievers? – Indra Neville
- Music technology, enthusing and empowering students to compose their own music: a research project investigating how the use of ICT can be used to enthuse student learning in music – Mark Edwards
- Nga taonga puoro – Lyn Dashper
- Storytelling: Keeping it complex – Jo Colbert
- What is the relationship between teacher questioning, ICT use and student autonomy? – Andrea Trapp
- Where to after the cluster: sustaining ICT PD after the cluster money finishes – David Okey