He Waka Unua | Coaching and Mentoring for Tumuaki | Principals

What can we offer you as tumuaki | principals?

He Waka Unua facilitates meaningful Individual coaching and mentoring from a dedicated kaiārahi (coach / mentor), who are often a Ministry of Education accredited facilitator, ensuring that you find your internal strength and providing an external guiding hand allowing you to explore your purpose and achieve your personal goals, tailored to suit varied educational settings.

As a school leader, you face unique challenges in your leadership role. Tātai Aho Rau Core Education’s He Waka Unua | Coaching and mentoring programme will provide a safe space for you to celebrate your successes, reflect on your leadership practice and plan for your personal and professional growth

"My kaiārahi has had a huge impact on my wellbeing. Her ability to draw out areas that need some attention or 'work' and then guide you through analysis and on to action is exceptional."

He Waka Unua participant

Who are our Kaiārahi?

Our kaiārahi will enable you to grow practical strategies and skills to manage the demands of your role, enhancing your strategic leadership expertise. We have a range of highly experienced and qualified coaches and mentors, able to support in Māori and English Medium across Early Years, Primary and Secondary.

Our kaiārahi include previous tumuaki | principals who have a deep understanding of the particular needs of school leaders. All our kaiārahi have leadership expertise and a strong understanding and knowledge of hauora/ wellbeing.

You are the driver of this experience and our kaiārahi walk alongside you.

He Waka Unua | Coaching and Mentoring for Tumuaki | Principals


6 Sessions 10 Sessions

6 x 1 hour sessions

$1600 plus GST

10 x 1 hour sessions

$2600 plus GST

Programme prices include the initial client meeting, all preparation, delivery sessions, and follow ups.

Face to face is possible with tailored pricing

Have a question?


Contact Amy-Lee Budd


M: 021 485 939 

E: amy-lee.budd@core-ed.ac.nz

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