Diploma Digital Media and Design (Web and Graphic) – Yoobee Colleges
Bachelor of Arts (History) – University of Otago
Professional profile
Meghan MacTavish joined Tātai Aho Rau Core Education (known then as CORE Education) as a junior graphic designer in 2020. Prior to this she worked with a range of clients as a freelance designer. Meghan is originally from Dunedin where she worked for five years in an administrative role. She moved to Christchurch in 2019 to study graphic and web design at Yoobee School of Design where she gained a diploma in web and graphic design.
- Publication design
- Infographic design
- Social media graphics
- Animation and video graphics
- Vector illustration
- Logo and brand design
- UI and UX design.
Personal statement
I have always been a creative soul, often with some sort of craft on the go. My main passion is knitting and fibre crafts, I dye my own yarn, write my own patterns and have quite a lot of hand-knit shawls, socks and hats.
Outside of work I’m a keen gardener, I live in a very urban setting with no land so I have inadvertently become an expert on all things small space gardening. Since moving to Christchurch I have enjoyed exploring all the walking tracks and nature on my doorstep.