Design for equity in the workplace

How do we design our environments for equity?

First we need to understand and identify equity issues by developing an equity mindset. Once we have developed that thinking, we then have the foundations to then begin to design and shape our workplace, community, or other environment in an equitable way.

Starting to design for equity then helps ground us in identity and belonging, ensuring that a diverse group of people feel safe and want to participate in these inclusive environments.

In this insightful kōrero, Dr. Hana O'Regan explores the practical steps to creating equitable workplaces and settings that prioritise inclusivity.

Join Hana as she expands on the concept of having an equity mindset, speaking about the next step towards building equitable outcomes - 'equity by design' - in the video below.


Explore He Waka Houkura | the equity suite

He Waka Houkura offers a unique approach to improving equity practices, developing inclusive thinking, and building productivity in your workplace.

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