He Waka Houkura | Professional development workshop

Further deepen your equity understanding and next steps through a professional development workshop.

Mā te mōhio ka mārama mā te mārama ka mātau, mā te mātau ka ora

From knowledge comes understanding, from understanding comes wisdom, from wisdom comes wellbeing.


Whakaterea te waka! | Navigating the waka 

This full-day workshop provides comprehensive insight into designing an equitable workplace, this is customised to your workplace needs and the strength of your team. 

Our kanohi ki te kanohi | face-to-face facilitated workshops are to help deepen understanding of organisational strengths, identify opportunities to develop and support the co-design of your capability development plan. 

 The focus of these leadership workshops may include:

  • Awareness power, privilege and bias
  • Thinking critically
  • Being Te Tiriti minded
  • Being open minded
  • Building trust
  • Seeing the system


 Start your journey

What's next in the equity suite?

The final step of the professional package is co-creating a equity capability plan, providing a framework for actioning equity in your organisation. Read about this step by following the link below.

Building an equity capability plan

Whakapā mai | Enquire for your workplace

Enquire online