Grow Waitaha
Tātai Aho Rau is part of a collaborative group known as Grow Waitaha.
Learn more about Grow Waitaha below.
What is Grow Waitaha?
Following on from the Canterbury earthquakes, Grow Waitaha was established to support local schools and kura as part of the Christchurch Schools Rebuild programme.
Grow Waitaha is a collaboration between Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga | Ministry of Education, and three education providers; Tātai Aho Rau | Core Education, Leadership Lab and Evaluation Associates. Together, these partner organisations have enabled schools and kura to reimagine education for young people across the region.
From 2015 to 2020, Grow Waitaha worked alongside schools, kura and communities to develop Education Briefs which defined their vision for learning within a cultural narrative framework. These Education Briefs in turn helped to shape the rebuilds and redevelopments which are now visible outcomes of the Christchurch Schools Rebuild programme.
Vision and pou | pillars
Grow Waitaha has the vision of providing all ākonga with innovative, connected and responsive learning environments. Since 2020, the emphasis of Grow Waitaha has shifted towards four pou (areas of impact) which the education community identified as having the greatest potential benefit for young people.
Click one of the pou | pillars below to read a related impact story.
Grow Waitaha also hosts the DigiAwards, a competition which encourages all young ākonga, specifically in years 0–8, from throughout Waitaha Canterbury to engage with technology by designing, creating and demonstrating many types of digital creations.
All Year 0–Year 8 ākonga from Waitaha can enter the DigiAwards, including home-schooled tamariki and ākonga who attend Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu.
Our expertise
Tātai Aho Rau provide our expertise in cultural capability, wellbeing, and equity and inclusion to Grow Waitaha.
Our decades of experience in nurturing ākonga, kura and kaiako to ensure an equitable future for Aotearoa New Zealand’s education system is what makes us a valuable member of Grow Waitaha.
Click a bubble below to learn more about our services.
More information and Contact
For more information about Tātai Aho Rau Core Education's involvement in Grow Waitaha, contact Ray Burkhill.
M: 021 226 1310