Teacher-led innovation fund (TLIF)
TLIF is designed to support the development of innovation in primary and secondary schools and kura (state and state integrated). The initiative encourages collaboration across schools and kura with PD providers, early years, tertiary, community, researchers, and experts of all kinds.
The fund is exciting because it's all about classroom kaiako and teachers getting the chance to innovate to improve outcomes for all children.
We are delighted to announce that this year we will have the privilege to work alongside teachers and kaiako in nine projects across Aotearoa New Zealand.
Round 2
Communication and wellbeing for a successful transition from ECE to school (CaWS)
Lead school: Hornby Primary School
Focus: This inquiry investigates how the Hornby community of schools and ECE can collaborate with language experts to improve the communication skills of learners aged 4–6 years so that all learners will become confident and competent learners, contributors, communicators, and citizens of the Hornby community.
Nō Onamata te Mauri, Kei Anamata te Aronga: A 21st Century pedagogical model for wharekura
Lead kura: Ngā Taiātea Wharekura
Focus: This project is for ākonga, their whānau, the Waikato-Tainui tribal region, and all families that send their children to Ngā Taiātea from different parts of New Zealand. The project will develop innovative practice to blend ancestrally-driven and future-focussed learning principles.
Advancing Māori success as Māori through project based learning (PBL)
Lead kura: Tai Wānanga
Focus: Tai Wānanga are curious about the potential of project based learning (PBL) to improve taiohi (students) learning, and kaitiaki (teacher) practice. This project aims to develop a kura-wide pedagogical PBL model.
Building successful learning foundations through an innovative junior learning environment
Lead school: Waiouru School
Focus: This project explores the influence of strong relationship based practice between students and teachers; and strong 21st century teaching pedagogy using specialist teaching in core subject areas. It includes an emphasis on key competencies as integral to learning in all areas to benefit year 1–4 students, and children transitioning from ECE to school.
Karanga Mai Outreach Homebound Programme
Lead school: Karanga Mai Young Parent College
Focus: The project involves the design and implementation of culturally responsive, home-based, individualised pedagogy to increase participation, engagement, achievement and transitions through engaging and connecting the young parent and by enhancing the educational prospects of the child.
Raising student achievement through STEAM collaboration using UDL
Lead school: Flanshaw Road School
Focus: This innovative project looks to support teachers across the West Auckland Principals Association 2020 network of schools to develop knowledge and capacity to lead creative and innovative STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), projects in their schools using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles.
Mathematics in Maketu
Lead school: Maketu School
Focus: This project aims to enhance teacher practice to ensure that all young learners aged 3–6 and their whānau, living in the small rural community of Maketu, receive quality mathematical education. Primary and ECE teachers will collaborate on mathematics teaching and learning across both contexts to improve teaching practices and lift achievement.
Round 3
Digital fluency in the presence of an intentional teacher
Lead School: Northcote Baptist Community Preschool
Focus: This project aims to to develop, trial and embed a set of ‘habits of practice’ that will enable teachers to be more intentional in their responses to children in order to build greater complexity of learning.
Gamifying the Years 7-9 curriculum
Lead school: St Thomas of Canterbury College
Focus: This projects aims to deconstruct existing structures and routines to re-create a 21st century curriculum (with a specific focus on engagement and student agency) based on the principles of gamification for all Years 7-9 students.
Visual narratives, agency and student voice
Lead school: Tamatea Intermediate School
Focus: This project investigates what happens to students’ ownership of learning and achievement if teachers support them to provide oral, visual and written evidence of learning.
Learning through play to engage all of our students
Lead school: St Patrick's Catholic School
Focus: How to support children transitioning to primary school through play. There is an emphasis on Māori children with the goal to raise student achievement in the school.
Enabling New Zealand Samoan children and their teachers to develop understandings of different modes of learning the Samoan language.
Lead school: A'oga Fa'a Samoa Incorporated
Focus: Use of digital technologies to support teaching and second language learning in a Samoan language immersion early childhood setting.
Round 4
Student agency, wellbeing and learning
Lead Kāhui Ako: Christchurch’s Catholic Kāhui Ako - Te Mara Akoranga Katorika - schools: Marian College, St Thomas of Canterbury College, St Teresa’s School and St Joseph’s School (Papanui)
Focus: This project explored the relationship between student agency, wellbeing, and learning. It was a response to evidence that when learners are listened to, and when their interests are made central to teachers’ shared praxis, they become more engaged in their learning and their wellbeing is enhanced.