Mānawatia a Matariki!

Access free resources that build understanding of Matariki

Explore Matariki resources 

To help build understanding of Matariki, our team have created a kete of learning resources and partnered with leading expert in Matariki and Māori Astronomy, Dr Rangi Matamua (Living By The Stars).

Available for free is a range of content and resources designed to build your knowledge.

He Tau Hou Mokopuna | A Prosperous New Year

This guide created produced by our content development team for The Ministry of Education is intended to be used to gain insight to traditional knowledge in an authentic context, and provide a greater understanding of this knowledge through ancient narratives of Māori. This guide is available in te reo Māori and English.

An illustrated image of the nine stars of Matariki personified, with the title He Tau Hou Mokopuna | A Prosperous New Year along the right edge of the image.

 Te reo Māori guide       English guide 

What Matariki means to me: A podcast with Jamie Taylor



Journey with Jamie Taylor as she explores how she learnt to celebrate Matariki - from the first time she witnessed Matariki rising, to how her and her whānau now choose to celebrate the occasion.

Listen to the podcast

Read the podcast transcript

Toitū a Matariki

In this blog from Anahera McGregor, she describes what ‘toitū’ means, and how phrases like ‘Toitū a Matariki’ is a call for an unwavering dedication to te ao Māori and our histories. Anahera also reflects on current topical issues and offers a message of hope for the future.

Toitū a Matariki
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Matariki: Preparations and celebrations!

Read more about Jamie Taylor's personal insights and practices and offer tools for your ‘stargazing kete’ in this blog

Matariki: Preparations and celebrations!
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What are some appropriate ways to observe Matariki as non-Māori?

In this Matariki podcast, Rochelle Savage and Stanley Sarkies, a Te Tiriti Facilitator at Groundwork, kōrero about how to honour Matariki from a pākeha and tauiwi perspective.

What are some appropriate ways to observe Matariki as non-Māori?
Matariki Tauiwi celebration images

Matariki Te Whetū o te Tau

Recorded in 2021, the Matariki Te Whetū o te Tau seminar resonated with many New Zealanders. Exploring Matariki in-depth, it features leading Māori astronomer Dr Rangi Matamua. Watch the full video below.

A wānanga with Dr Rangi Matamua

LEARNZ partnered with Dr Rangi Matamua and the Ministry of Education to create a Matariki wānanga. Along with these informative videos, there’s a heap of awesome resources to explore. 

 Te reo Māori wānanga       English wānanga 

Take our Matariki quiz!

How much do you know about Matariki?

Take our Matariki quiz!
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Learn te reo with Whiria te reo

Engage in online te reo Māori learning with your workmates, friends or whānau. Gain confidence in a collaborative learning environment, at a pace that suits your group.

Learn te reo with Whiria te reo
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