Innovative Learning Environment Matrix

This tool helps leaders to design and implement innovative learning environments that best support ākonga

How does the matrix help leaders?

Whether you are redeveloping an existing centre, kura or school, or building a new facility, the Innovative Learning Environment (ILE) matrix provides a framework to guide boards of trustees (BoT), leaders and others in their thinking.

Download the free Innovative Learning Environment matrix


  • It guides your leadership thinking on planning and implementing innovative approaches to learning spaces.
  • With the aim of designing a learning environment that supports desired outcomes for kaiako and learners.
  • Identifies what should be considered with any new learning space – whether building from scratch, or re-developing/re-purposing your existing facilities.
  • The framework is structured to show the areas of development and growth throughout the transition process; allowing you to focus on the area of need, or place of most relevance, to your setting.
  • This action-oriented plan can be used for staff and community engagement
  • Using a matrix ensures you develop a coherent innovative learning environment plan, across all areas.
  • Ultimately, it creates the connection between learning space and pedagogical practice to ensure your environment is purposefully designed and meets your learning objectives. 

From big-picture thinking to exploring the support needed, from questions of scope to sustainability – enable innovative learning for your community well into the future by working through the ILE matrix. A hard copy A1 poster is also available.