Supporting the transition to school for Muslim children
Resources that focus on creating safe, inclusive schooling environments.
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Share this learning resource with your tamariki | children, to engage their cultural learning and understanding.
How can we support Muslim children transition to school?
Children who thrive as learners in our country have equitable access to learning opportunities. Like all parents, those who are Muslim want their children to thrive, be safe, and have a sense of belonging when they are at school.
Funded by Rātā Foundation, An-Nur Childcare Centre in Ōtautahi, Christchurch, and Tātai Aho Rau Core Education have worked together to create resources that will empower teachers and Muslim families to build inclusive learning environments together.
Ready to support our tamariki | children?
These videos highlight the importance of support, understanding and positive communication, as Muslim families and teachers share their experiences during the transition to school process.
For kaiako | teachers
Take the next step toward supporting Muslim children to thrive with these informative video resources.
Are you ready for all of me?
Help Muslim tamariki and whānau feel welcomed in their transition to school.
For Muslim parents
Learn how to get ready for your child’s transition to school, support your child to succeed at school, and be involved in the school community.
View more resources
Since 2021, we've worked on research and resources to support pathways for children for lifelong learning. 'Transition to School' had three streams – English medium, Kaupapa Māori and Pacific medium. Working with communities, we co-created practical strategies and resources to support teachers, whānau and tamariki to transition from early childhood centres to school successfully.