Project Manager - Te Aho Māori

Prince2 Foundation Certificate in Project Management
Professional profile
Hariata has an extensive knowledge of print publishing and product development which includes content planning and development, image management, design review, supplier liaison, product development and distribution.
Her skill set includes effective and efficient project management and coordination, administrative accounting, database and distribution management, project administration and team support.
Hariata is committed to assisting with the learning and development of our rangatahi/mokopuna and kaiako alike and dedicated to the development of Māori medium educational resources that share hapū and iwi pūrākau.
Personal statement
‘Piki atu au ki te taumata o tōku maunga,
Ka kite au i te mana, i te ihi o te whenua nei nō ōku tīpuna’
I am passionate about supporting Māori medium education and the development of educational resources which provide an opportunity for hapū and iwi to share their pūrākau. I am dedicated to supporting our wider whānau and community initiatives that provide for our future generations.