Content Developer, Kaihuawaere Ngaio Māori

Ko Putauaki te maunga
Ko Tarawera te awa
Ko Iramoko te marae
Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi
Ko Te Tawera te hapū
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Jamie Taylor tōku ingoa
Professional profile
Jamie started her teaching career working in mainstream education for five years before transitioning into a bilingual setting for the latter three years. She worked to develop a bilingual setting at Linton Camp School that is unique and supported Māori learners and her colleagues in English-medium to practice Te Reo mē ōna tikanga honorably. Her community involvement supported strong and meaningful connections between local kōhanga reo, community groups, Kapa Haka and Mau rākau, and other bilingual settings across Manawatū.
She enjoys performing and presenting to an audience but also engaging in wānanga where the learning is reciprocal and her facilitation skills are best implemented. Jamie is proud of having supported local kōhanga reo with their governance and management, administration and strategic planning.
- Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te ako i te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki
- Te Reo Māori mē ōna tikanga
- Te Reo Matatini
- Mahi Toi/ Kapa Haka
- Public speaker/ Facilitator
Personal statement
“E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiatea!”
It is my greatest passion to nurture the seeds of growth and ignite a desire for learning within the communities I contribute to. I strive to ‘live’ my legacy , everyday as an example and inspiration for my tamariki and whānau.